Monday, July 15, 2013

Causes of Back Pain After Eating

If you're conducting online research about back pain after eating, most of your search engine hits are likely forum questions from people like you. While it may seem like there are more questions than answers, there are a few well-known causes of back pain after eating, all of which involve the digestive system. Determining which is the cause of your pain comes down to where you feel pain and what type of pain you feel.

Gallbladder Attack

The gallbladder sits below the liver and assists in the digestion of fats. Gallstones may develop in the organ when substances in its bile harden and form solid particles. These stones can block the flow of fluids through the organ, causing inflammation. Since the gallbladder is nestled in the upper right abdomen, inflammation can cause significant pain on that side of the body, both in front and back.

Gallbladder attacks are typically experienced after consuming a meal high in fats and after overeating. Problems with the gallbladder can come about due to thyroid dysfunction or a generally poor diet, among other factors. If you experience back pain after eating fatty or large meals, it is important to seek medical attention before surgery becomes necessary.


Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas, an organ responsible for digesting proteins and fats and maintaining normal blood sugar levels. According to, alcohol use and gallstones cause 80-90% of pancreatitis cases. The gallbladder and pancreas share a duct that enters the small intestine; if a stone blocks this duct, pancreatic juices can be trapped in the pancreas and cause inflammation.

The pancreas stretches across the abdomen between the small intestine and gallbladder. Pain from pancreatitis is usually in the upper center or upper left part of the abdomen and radiates to the back. The pain is severe and lasts for days. Eating triggers or worsens the pain associated with pancreatitis.

Peptic Ulcers

Peptic ulcers are tears that occur in the lining of the stomach or upper small intestine. These tears expose sensitive organ tissue to corrosive digestive fluids, causing significant pain. names the bacteria Helicobacter pylori and NSAID use as the most common causes of peptic ulcer.

Pain associated with this type of ulcer is felt between the navel and breastbone, sometimes radiating to the back. It worsens after eating, and typically manifests as a burning sensation.

The organs within the abdomen are close to the structures of the lower and mid back. Inflammation of any of these organs can result in referred back pain. The location and type of pain you experience after eating can help you and your doctor narrow down the cause of your pain. If none of the above causes apply to you, it is worth investigating food allergies such as wheat or lactose intolerance. Any instance of back pain after eating should be considered a potentially serious problem and addressed early on. Prevention and treatment of these disorders should center on dietary changes that restore proper function to your digestive system.

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