Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Do You Know What Causes Lower Back Pain?

You miss work for a day because of your ailing back, and you miss work again the next day for precisely the same reason. You pop pain relievers, and feel better for a few hours or so. But not long after, the pain starts again. Don't make a beeline for the pillbox just yet. Before you pop another pill or two, ask yourself, "What causes lower back pain?" Why is your lower back hurting you the way it's doing?

For the most part, low back aches are caused by two reasons:

  1. Muscle injury

  2. Ligament misalignment

If you have an aching back, chances are you have either a lumbar sprain or a low back strain. Differentiating between the two can be very tough, though, because both show similar symptoms! As a matter of fact, it usually does not matter whether you have a lumbar sprain or a back sprain because both are treated in the same way!

So, what causes lower back pain? In the case of a lumbar sprain, it's the tearing of the ligaments. The ligaments are those tough bands of tissues holding bones together. In the case of muscle strains, it's the tearing or the abnormal stretching of muscle fibers. If you have reasons to believe your lower back aches are caused by either, talk to your doctor. Where your body is concerned, it's always better to be safe than sorry!

The good news is that most back pains are curable. With proper rest and care, most sufferers recover from their back sprains or strains within weeks! So go ahead, and read up on what causes lower back pain. When you discover the reasons behind your pain, you will find it easier to get rid of it.

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