Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Blame Your Lower Back Pain on the Right Side on Years of Poor Sitting Posture

How does our sitting posture affect our lower back pain, right side? Long periods of sitting is a new "activity" for humans. Never before in history have we spent so much time on our "derrière." Our ancestors have spent most of their lives hunting and gathering. Later in history they became farmers or factory workers. Our bodies are not accustomed to so much time on the "toosh" and our backs suffer as a result. That is why so many other countries around the world suffer from fewer lower back problems than those in the US. They are still up and moving.

Our sitting habits that impact our lower back pain, right side, can be attributed to the left side as well, but because the amount of inquiries to the right side are so many, this article will deal primarily with lower back pain, right side. Just know that if you suffer from left side pain, the same applies.

If you work on a lap top computer, you have an advantage because you can easily move your working station to other positions to avoid lower back pain, right side. Try standing as you work and stretch your legs as you type.

If you must sit, make sure your chair has a stiff back and that you do not slouch. Slouching happens to most of us unconsciously so try to be aware of your posture. Straighten up whenever you feel yourself starting to hunch and soon your better posture will become a habit, reducing the chance of lower back pain, right side.

Sure, it is difficult to always keep your feet flat on the floor, but when you sit in awkward positions, you will typically favor the right side--if you are right handed it is your strongest side--and increase your chances of lower back pain, right side. It is alright to shift to different positions from time to time, but try to keep your feet flat on the floor as often as possible with your knees level with your hips. If this makes your buttocks sore, get up and move around every half hour or perform stretching exercises, paying particular attention to the discomfort area in your lumbar region. Do not exercise one side more than the other, however. It is important to develop your muscles evenly. One of the main causes for back discomfort and pain is muscle imbalance from years of poor posture, both standing and sitting.

You can stretch your back and move around while you sit to avoid getting stiff. Turn your head from side to side, pull your shoulder blades back or perform a seated pelvic tilt as you work. Movement can go a long way toward reducing the stiffness in your back and keep you limber and young for years to come.

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