Saturday, September 21, 2013

Lower Back Pain in Women: What You Need To Know

Lower back pain is a very common condition that affects millions of women. This pain an affect the daily lives of women, hindering their daily activities, and even causing restless sleep. There are many different reasons for this back pain, as well as a variety of remedies to treat it and rectify it. There are also some preventative measures that can be taken to try and limit the number of times women experience this lumbar discomfort. It's important to address the pain or discomfort as early as possible to order to prevent the pain and the condition from getting worse. It's also a good idea to get the condition checked out by a medical doctor in order to rule out anything more serious that would require invasive treatment.

What Are The Causes of Lower Back Pain in Women?

There are a variety of causes for lower back discomfort in women. First off, an acute injury from either a fall or some sort of trauma can cause back pain. Anything from the nerves, to ligaments, to muscles and bones can be affected in this type of back injury. Chronic overuse can also cause back pain, where the muscles and ligaments are constantly being used and overused, most probably not in proper form.

Other reasons for lower back pain in women include pregnancy, menstrual cramps, obesity, aging, herniated discs, or arthritis. Determining the exact cause of this lumbar discomfort will determine the type of treatment or pain relief necessary to alleviate this pain in women. For example, if obesity is the culprit, it's important to get on an exercise and diet program in order to lose weight and take unnecessary weight and pressure off the back. On the other hand, if arthritis is the cause, then certain medications prescribed by a doctor will probably be required.

How Do You Treat Lower Back Pain in Women?

As stated above, it is vital to know what the causes are for the back discomfort in order to treat the problem accordingly. The first thing you should do is visit a doctor in order to make sure that any sort of treatment program is applicable to the exact issue, and will not cause any further damage. There are variety of treatments, such as exercising, stretching, chiropractic treatments, physiotherapy, prescribed medication, or in severe cases, surgery. You may even find that herbal and natural remedies may work to alleviate your pain and discomfort.

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