Sunday, August 4, 2013

What Causes Lower Back Pain?

If you experienced the same fate as one of those unfortunate lower back pain sufferers, it is likely that you may have asked this question before. You may be able to recall some awkward twisting or straining actions which sparked off the pain, but perhaps the same movement has not injured your back in the past, and other people may be unharmed by similar activities. The chances are that your back was already in a condition where a relatively minor incident was sufficient to trigger the slightest back pain.

You are most likely to have back trouble between the ages of 30 and 50. Few people under the 18 and over 60 years of age are affected. The reason for this is not entirely clear but it is likely to be due to several different factors. For example, those in their 30s might be bringing up their small children, which may involve more lifting and carrying at home. For those at work, the middle years are usually the most productive, whether it be heavy manual work or a sedentary office job. In addition, many people at this age spend less time in sports or leisure activities which could maintain their general fitness and flexibility.

Poor posture accounts for a high proportion of back pain, especially lower back pain. Some bad postures that causes lower back pain, include leaning over a desk or working with your arms raised for a long time, lifting heavy weights while bending from your waist instead of at your knees or sitting in a chair of the wrong height.

Furthermore, another common issue that may cause lower back pain is the lack of physical exercise. The reason is simple. If you are fit, your muscles will be strong and flexible, and you will recover more quickly than an unfit person from any injury or illness. Your bones will also be stronger and if you remain fit as you grow older, your bones are likely to retain their strength for a longer period.

However, certain sports such as golf, bowling and baseball, which involve twisting and straining your back, can lead to a higher incidence of back pain. Thus, it is true that competitive sports can result in back pain or back injuries if the athletes over trained themselves. If you have had back problems and wish to take up a new sport, it is advisable to consult your doctor or physiotherapist who specializes in sports injuries for some professional recommendations on preventing back pain injuries.

1 comment:

  1. The information which you have shared in your post about the lower back pain causes is really wonderful. There are different kinds of treatments that doctors can recommend for you in the cure for back pains. These options can be classified as non-surgical and surgical back pain relief treatments in burma.
