The symptoms of back pain are the pains itself. It is very hard to understand the symptoms because pain alone is a symptom that indicates damage in the spine or there is an impending disease that only the doctor can diagnose. As much as the back pain is a symptom, it is but only a subjective type. The patient alone can be observed by the patient and it is never measured because pain varies from one person to the other.
Back pain has been affecting many lives of people from the old times and up to now. Just like colds, it is also one of the reasons for a doctor's consultation, and also the common culprit of absences from work. Back pain is the consequence of your unhealthy lifestyle, such as bad posture, stress, over exercise, or it can be the result of some underlying diseases. Back pain is not as simple as you may think. Once it hit you, it really does, you are affected in any way. It weakens you, it can cause you to be debilitated at some point and it can cause unproductiveness and faulty socialization. Once left untreated, it will chase you many times until you can finally decide to end it with necessary treatment.
Back pain symptoms and its severity are highly influenced by the patient's personal feeling of back pain. It produces similar symptoms in general. However, the symptoms will always depend on the different conditions that are causing the back pain. The symptoms come on suddenly or gradually and the longevity or duration will also differ.
Back pain is such a wide in scope, so in this article, the information to be presented will not just dwell on the symptoms. It will also be directed on the causes as they linked together, the types of pain that makes it different from the other, and different severe back pain symptoms that prompt medical treatment.
Symptoms of back pain is linked with the causes. Symptoms usually occur unpredictably, most often than not, it can hit you like big time, anytime of the day. You may even wake up one morning feeling unusual like these symptoms below:
- Difficulty standing straight or standing in one position for a long period of time.
When one feels this symptom, it commonly happens because of an injury to the muscles at the back which may be brought about by overworked muscles, accident or sudden falls.
Discomfort when sitting.
This is most likely due to pressure on the largest nerve in the body, the sciatic nerve. This is brought about by lifting, twisting, overworked muscles, etc.
Difficulty in walking accompanied with weakness and leg fatigue.
Difficulty in walking is commonly due to a narrowing or tightening of the spinal canal in where the nerves pass through. Usually both legs are affected so walking is unbearable to do. However, it usually improves when bending forward.
Radiating pain down towards the buttocks or legs.
This radiating pain to the buttocks and legs are usually because of sciatica or nerve compression or the spinal disc that is being pushed outside the normal boundary.
Pain, Tenderness and stiffness felt at the lower part of your back.
All these symptoms are covered in combination with back injury, sciatica, disc that is pushed out from normal limits, and tightening of the spinal canal where the nerves are passing.
When symptoms occur, its severity depends whether acute or chronic. It is best to know which is which so that medical intervention can be sought immediately.
Acute symptoms usually hit one area; it can be in your right side, left side or at the center. This kind of symptom can be intermittent or constant, and mostly, the acute symptoms are caused by trauma such as strained and overworked back/spine that may be difficult standing or sitting straight for long hours. Acute symptoms usually improve within 6 to 8 weeks. For chronic symptoms, your day to day activities may seem hard to perform and you are totally affected. Compare with the acute, this lasts for a long time and needs prompt treatment especially when you feel the following:
- The symptoms of pain are aggravated when you cough or sneeze.
Pain and numbness travels down to one or both legs.
The symptoms interrupt your deep sleep and you find it difficult to get back to sleep anymore as the pain becomes unbearable.
You have difficulty urinating or defecating and you have a loss of control in your elimination pattern.
Symptoms of back pain are hard to comprehend, it will hit you anytime, any moment, and because of some ignorance, it is often neglected. One of the symptoms may be acute, but as to what extent do you know that is still acute? As such, this article is a big help for the readers to be sensitive of what they feel. You may find back pain as simple as you know it, but there are symptoms that can signal a nerve damage or impending dangerous medical health, it is then best to seek medical advice for the diagnosis and eventually for the treatment plan.
Your post is really wonderful. I really enjoyed reading your post about the symptoms of the lower back pain. A back pain may be caused by any time. Some of the commonest back pain symptoms include stiffness, sudden pain on movement feeling at the lower part of the back.
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