Friday, August 2, 2013

Lower Back Pain - Don't Take Too Much Rest But Take These 3 Simple Steps to Get Immediate Relief

Don't take your back pain lying down

This is true both literally and figuratively. Going by the conventional wisdom, you should take rest by lying down on a bed after a bout of back pain. This is not to deny that when you lie down, your back does get rest and relief from the pain resulting from whatever it was that caused it.

But this rest is only temporary. As the wise men say you cannot achieve anything by lying down; you have to get up and try---exert yourself. You have to activate, exercise to strengthen your muscles. Excessive rest may deteriorate the back pain instead of eliminating it.

If at all you cannot rise up, then you should lie flat on your back and place two pillows/wedges below your knees. Elevating your legs may relieve pressure on your lumbar spine.

Do not lie with your face down on the bed, as you may have to raise or twist your head to breathe and this may result in neck pain. You may end up contracting another problem trying to relieve the existing one.

Try to leave the bed and start moving around slowly and carefully as soon as you can.A rule of thumb is that you should not take more then three days rest in normal circumstances.

1.Ice pack

Applying an ice pack on the painful site on the back as soon as possible after the pain occurs may reduce the inflammation. It may numb the nerves that transmit pain messages to the brain.

Put some ice in a bag or a thin towel and place it on the paining spot for about twenty minutes. Remove it and place it again after about 30 minutes.

2.Hot treatment

Ice packs help only within 24 hours of the injury to the back. They do not work thereafter. You have to, instead, apply heat to the ailing spot. Heat relaxes the muscles and increases their elasticity. You may apply heat by using a hot water bottle, infra red lamp or soaking the back in hot water tub for about twenty minutes. Pregnant women should consult the doctors.

3.Change your mattress

Soft and sagging mattresses often cause back pain on their own. Go for a firm mattress that supports your back and helps it to maintain the right mechanism. It should neither be too soft nor too hard.

If a new mattress is beyond your budget, get a three quarters of an inch thick piece of plywood sheet and place it beneath the mattress.

4.Over the counter remedies for back pain treatment

You can generally take over the counter analgesics like aspirin or ibuprofen to relieve the back pain. But they provide only temporary relief. Pregnant women should not take them without consulting doctors. All in all, natural and home remedies for back pain are the best option for immediate as well as long- term relief.