Monday, July 8, 2013

Lower Back Pain Exercises - A Simple Little Stretch Instantly Relieves Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain exercises are very helpful for all types of lower back pain. One of the best exercises is this simple stretch - which will almost always relieve your pain immediately - if you do it the right way.

Here's How to Do This Simple but Effective Stretch:

1. Drop down to one knee (not on the hard floor) in a comfortable position for you - You will feel what's right for you.

2. Tip your pelvis back a bit and then lean into the stretch.

3. Hold the position for 5, 10, 15 seconds or more, as much as you can.

4. This can also be a dynamic stretch - You can move in and out of the stretch.

5. If you suffer from knee pain, it is recommended that you put your foot on a chair or a bench instead. This way you will achieve the same effect without the stress on your knee.

6. Repeat the stretch with the other knee.

This simple stretch is one of the best lower back pain exercises - but it will not fix your problem permanently. It will only relieve the tightness that you will and immediately relieve your pain.

What Causes Lower Back Pain? This condition can have many causes. Some of them are: A pulled muscle, herniated or bulging disc, arthritis, trauma and muscle imbalances. Trauma and pulled muscles will usually cause acute pain only. The rest of the causes will lead to chronic lower back pain. As always, In order to really fix a problem in your body, you have to find and treat the root cause for it. The problem is that this could take a long time, and the pain almost never stops. The good news is - nature has the solutions to almost all kinds of pain and ailments.

How to Stop Lower Back Pain Naturally - Systemic Enzyme Therapy

For most of us, it's very hard to keep doing this kind of exercise every day (they have to be done every day in order to be effective). The good news is that as always. nature has all the solutions for us - We just have to find out about them.

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