Monday, September 2, 2013

Back Ache Symptoms - Very Much on the Fore

Back ache symptoms appear in nearly eight out of ten people at some point or the other in their lives. These symptoms could be inveterate, sharp, and at times, chronic. Back ache is usually a result of malfunctioning of the spine due to damage to the spine, ligaments, discs or muscles. The symptoms could be minor or major depending on the cause.

Symptoms Reflect On The Causes

Different causes and conditions will present varying symptoms and different degrees of intensity. It is important to consult a doctor regarding any new or changing pain symptoms. Some of the common symptoms are:


The actual pain can be sharp or dull. It may be concentrated in a small or specific area, localized to a region of the back, or spread throughout a large area. The pain might be just in the back or may radiate into the neck, face, arms, legs, or buttocks.


Nerve involvement often causes a tingling feeling. This is most common in pinched cervical nerves and sciatica. In the case of a pinched cervical nerve root, the patient will often feel tingling in the arms, wrists, or hands. Many patients with sciatica and other lower backache syndromes experience tingling in the buttocks, legs, or feet. This tingling sensation can be mild or severe.


Numbness is a very scary symptom associated with many backache conditions. The feeling might occur in the actual location of the pain, but more commonly radiates into the arms or legs. Numbness in the hands or feet is common in serious cervical and lumbar conditions and can be a sign of severe nerve involvement.


Muscular weakness is also a relatively common side effect of some back problems. Weakness can strike the back, arms, legs, hands, or entire regions, depending on the location and severity of the underlying condition. Weakness is another frightening side effect of nerve involvement in any number of back pain syndromes.

You can lessen the difficulties caused by pain in the back if these back ache symptoms are diagnosed in time and treated appropriately. Correct treatment and the suitable remedial measures are very important.

Things To Pay Attention To

If you are unsure about the nature of your back pain symptoms and unable to decide on the course of treatment, think about the following:

  • The duration of the ache is very important and indicates if your ache is of acute or chronic in nature. Acute pain lasts for weeks and can be cured immediately while chronic pain may last for months and needs on-going treatment for complete relief.

  • Sudden change in your routine can also be the root cause of the problem, such as change in job, sleeping habits, and others.

  • A change in your activity pattern may also be the cause of backache.

  • Obesity can also be a cause. As the lower back bears most of the weight of the body, excess weight can cause back ache.

  • Your chair, workstation, mattress, pillow all could be the culprit.

As in other illnesses, prevention of back pain is always better than finding an appropriate remedy for it. Taking proper care of your back to avoid back ache symptoms is not a difficult task.

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