Saturday, July 27, 2013

Causes of Lower Back Pain and Sciatica and How to Avoid Them

What are the reasons that back pain and sciatica occur? Whilst no comprehensive answer can be given to this question there are very many everyday causes of these very painful conditions which we should try to be aware of.

The fact is that those who suffer from lower back pain or sciatica have often, perhaps unknowingly, contributed to their condition by some lifestyle matter. This is not just a question of not lifting in the wrong way, a well known factor to back pain problems, and the notorious slipped discs, but also of many other ways of doing things which may not at all be obvious. Several of these will be considered.

Turning and twisting whilst lifting
Apart from the necessary advice never to lift with your back (do not bend over to lift) but to lift with the muscles in your legs keeping your back straight the whole time, it is also important not to twist or turn as you lift. Nor should you turn either as you lift or with your back at any time with a weight in your hands. You should not allow your trunk to turn whilst you are lifting. To do so can place too much strain on the discs in your back. The right way to turn is with your legs whilst standing upright.

This activity is one of the prime suspects for causing back problems. Inevitably whilst gardening bending over seems to be unavoidable. The necessary works of gardening involve getting close to the ground. How else can the weeding, the planting and the removal of garden refuse be dealt with? Still worse are such jobs as laying or removing slabs of concrete for paths or drives and pushing an overladen wheelbarrow. And perhaps one of the most frequent causes of back pain from gardening works is the simple digging of a hole in the ground. Even if you start off well with a good long handle spade, sooner or later as the hole gets deeper you will be bending over in a bad position and placing a terrible strain on your back.

These then are jobs which those who suffer back pain or sciatica must simply avoid even if it means leaving the garden untended. Better an unkempt garden than the terrible pain of a displaced disc. Those jobs which you do attempt should be limited to those which do not impose a strain on your back and you need to be ready to stop the moment you feel that you may be beginning to overdo it. For example be careful not to overfill your wheelbarrow. It is better to go backwards and forwards a few more times with a light load than to run any risk. Remember as well never to bend over from the waist to reach the ground but instead to kneel down if possible and always keep your back straight.

Being overweight or unfit.
If you are overweight, and you will surely know if you are, you are likely to be placing too much strain on your back; because the surplus weight causes bad posture both when standing and when walking. If need be you should take the necessary steps to lose weight and there are plenty of ways to find advice on how to do it. Likewise just being unfit will place too much strain on your back. Muscles which lack strength or tone, will not cope well even with the normal stresses that they have to face. So just keeping fit is an important part of keeping back pain and sciatica at bay. For example walking and swimming are excellent activities for this purpose. See if you can find different ways to do some exercise every day.

Carrying heavy weights.
Sometimes it is difficult to avoid carrying bags or other items. But if you really have to do so then take some steps to try and mitigate the risk. When carrying a heavy bag change hands frequently so as to limit the time that the weight is on either side. And perhaps you can divide the weight up and have two bags instead of one which would certainly be preferable. Even better use a back pack with a strong belt strap pulled up properly so that the weight can be on your hips and less on your spine. Best of all use a trolley so that the weight can be pushed along.

Not sitting correctly.
Sitting imposes a strain on the back and the spine, and this is something every back pain sufferer should be aware of. You should always sit straight and have a support such as a cushion for the small of your back to help you maintain the correct posture. Remember that if you slump forward or if your back is rounded forward then your back will inevitably have that undesirable strain imposed on it.

A very good tip when sitting is to make sure that the seat allows your knees to be lower than your hips. Check out the seats that you routinely use and see how they measure up to this standard. You may be shocked to see just how few are satisfactory. Many seats rise towards the front and this inevitably means that the hips and the back are titled the wrong way. Sofas and "comfortable" armchairs are notorious for this problem. Of course you may not like to accept this especially if the armchair is a favorite or has been expensive; but it is better to admit the problem with the chair than to suffer the back pain. All is not necessarily lost however and it may be possible to remedy the defect in the chair with cushions (especially a wedge shaped cushion) to raise your hips higher and to allow your knees to be lower.

One of the very worst types of seat is the car seat which so often has a final rising front and a back which curves inward. With any such seat back problems are very probable. A lumber support and cushions may remedy the deficiency but if not, it is best to look for an alternative seat or even an alternative car with more satisfactory seats.

An unsatisfactory bed. or mattress.
Does your back start to ache as soon as you stand up from your bed each morning? If so then your bed or your mattress may be part of the reason for your condition. A bed which sags in the middle or which does not support your back adequately as you sleep can so easily create real problems for your back. The fault may be the bed itself; for example a sprung base may cause the mattress above it to sag. Or it may be that the mattress is worn out and dips in the middle. Or possibly a combination of both defects. A bed with a sprung base can be modified by placing a sheet of wood immediately under the mattress and this may cure the sagging. However a mattress which is worn out needs to be replaced.

For more information about lower back pain and sciatica please visit lower-back-sprain

Please bear in mind that this article is for general information purposes only and is not medical advice about your health. If you have a medical condition or problem you should always consult your doctor as to the matter which may be more serious than you realize.

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