Sunday, July 28, 2013

Causes and Symptoms of Lower Back Pain

Most back pain has a simple physical cause such as inflamed or strained muscles, restricted joints, or pressure on nerves. It can keep recurring, and may not be helped by the routine conventional treatment or painkillers such as aspirin and paracetamol, or muscle relaxants and anti inflammatory drugs such as steroids.

Conversely simple things like applying heat and cold can help. A hot water bottle placed on the painful area can bring temporary relief, and so can a pack of crushed ice cubes. Hold the ice against the area immediately after injury to prevent tissue swelling. After a few days, alternating hot and cold applications can be most effective.

Acupuncture and massage, postural training and the manipulative work of osteopathy (this may mean manipulating the spine and surrounding tissue by gently twisting, pressing and pulling) and chiropractors often prove effective. They also give you an opportunity to take an active part in treating the problem yourself.
Nevertheless, always see a doctor before undertaking any treatment like this. If the back pain does not have a simple physical cause, but is just a symptom of something more serious, inappropriate treatment could be dangerous.
If conventional treatment fails- or if is not called for- many doctors are now willing to help you find a reliable natural practitioner.
Finally, although back pain is a physical ailment, psychological elements should not be overlooked. Stress and anxiety can contribute significantly to back problems, and you are more likely to damage or weaken your back if you and your back muscles are tense.

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