Friday, June 28, 2013

Back Pain and Applied Kinesiology

Back pain. It's annoying for some people, debilitating for others.

If you get hit by a semi truck or take a shot by an NFL middle linebacker, it might be just a structural problem. In this case, any good chiropractor will do. Treatment consists of repositioning the misplaced vertebrae, sometimes over several visits depending on severity, allowing the body a chance to heal, and you're on your way again.

But if the back pain keeps recurring with repeated spinal adjustments, there are other factors involved. This is also true for people who have pain for no apparent reason, or somebody who bent over to pick up their socks and their back goes out. There is something else causing the need for frequent trips to the chiropractor and "heavy sock" syndrome.

Let's look at three factors that contribute to back pain (lower back especially).

The first one is adrenal gland stress. These are your fight or flight glands located above the kidneys. Because they are massively overworked in our society, they become tired and in some cases completely exhausted. Without proper functioning adrenal glands, the ligaments of the body start to lose their holding power. Because ligaments hold bones to other bones, the structure of the body, and especially in this case the spine, is compromised.

The extra strain causes muscle spasms, and the never ending pain cycle.

In the diagnostic technique known as applied kinesiology, we also learn that two muscles that stabilize the pelvis and knees are also compromised when the adrenal glands are stressed. This usually leads to a forward tilt of the pelvis, causing further strain on the lower back.

The next factor that contributes to lower back pain is the health of the digestive system. Digestion is one very important factor to good heath. Without proper digestive function everything else in your body will not work properly. The digestive tract is where you absorb nutrients and the building blocks for the cells in your body.

However, with applied kinesiology we also find that several muscles that stabilize the hips and pelvis, fail when the digestive system malfunctions. And, to top it off the digestive organs feed much of their nerve supply from the lower back area. Any irritation in the digestive organs, creates irritation in the lower back.

And now for the third contributing factor in back pain, the reproductive system. You may have noticed the common theme that by utilizing applied kinesiology testing, a doctor can find muscle weakness and malfunction with organ imbalances. The same is the case with the reproductive organs such as the uterus, prostate, ovaries, etc. When they are not working correctly, pelvis muscles such as the gluteus medius and piriformis malfunction creating an unstable base for the spine to sit on.

This is an important concept to grasp. Without balanced muscle control the lower back, or any area for that matter will be unstable, causing pain. The entire body works as a dynamic whole and when treated as such by an applied kinesiology trained chiropractor, relief of chronic symptoms can often be achieved rapidly.

It is probably very apparent to you that simply adjusting the spine is not good enough in many cases. Without looking at adrenal gland, digestive, and reproductive organ function, it is very difficult to achieve true lasting pain relief. Applied kinesiology offers unparalleled information as to what may be causing the problem.

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