Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sharp Lower Back Pain - How to Stop the Agony

If your looking for the causes of sharp lower back pain and how to eliminate this pain from your daily life then you are going to want to read this article. First I'm going to show you how to determine the causes that have brought on this condition. Then you are going to learn how this can become a chronic condition if you don't take action NOW. Finally I'm going to introduce you to the steps you can start taking today to begin the healing process.

The most common lower back back pain causes are sudden exertion while carrying a heavy load, bending or twisting in a thoughtless jerking manner, or a prior medical condition. When you are lifting weights or just doing common household chores involving something heavy you need to make sure to always use proper form and lift slowly with the legs. You don't even have to be carrying anything at all to cause damage, sometimes all it takes is a quick jerking movement to pull your back. Sometimes, however, this pain is a warning sign of a serious medical condition.

Sharp lower back pain can become a chronic condition if you don't catch it early enough. It may start off as something that you barely notice and can easily ignore. But when this warning sign is ignored oftentimes people aggravate this mild condition into something much worse. Ignoring the initial signs and carrying on with the very same activities that caused the pain in the first place is a HUGE mistake, you need to immediately start taking action! This is the key to avoiding more severe lower back pain from developing.

In order to prevent sharp lower back pain you need more than just good back posture, you need flexibility and strength. I'm going to quickly introduce you into a couple of exercises that will help to prevent you from further damage. For every muscle their is a complementary muscle, biceps and triceps for example. In the case of the lower back it is the core, or abdomen. Strengthening your core is incredibly important if you are currently suffering from sharp lower back pain. The two exercises that I have found to be the most helpful are chest raisers and leg extensions.

What Can You RIGHT NOW To Stop The Pain?
This condition is the worst pain I've ever experienced and can negatively affect every aspect of your life. In order to prevent and treat it you first need to understand the causes. If you don't immediately take action using exercises, stretches, and other effective methods it can turn into a chronic condition that will be even more difficult to treat.

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