Most often, back pain generally refers to pain that is felt in any part of the back. It may appear in the neck and radiate to the middle or lower area. This is the most common problem faced by most adults but the underlying causes may be different. At times, a wrong diagnosis could lead to further problems. If the pain disappears within a few days of its occurrence, then there is probably nothing serious. However, if it is persistent and doesn't go away within a few days or weeks then there is a more serious underlying condition.
An Overview
Back pain could be caused due to a variety of factors. It could be age-related, injury or trauma, stress, etc. With the progression of age, there are many health problems that can occur. The bone strength may decrease along with the tone and elasticity of the muscles. The disc fluids may also reduce leading to poor flexibility.
Major Causes
Arthritis - Arthritis in the spine is one of the most common causes of chronic back pain in adults. The pain could be felt anywhere in the back and will generally worsen while walking and the pain is felt more at night. Osteoarthritis is the condition where the cartilage that is present in the joints gets damaged. In rheumatoid arthritis, there is inflammation and thickening of the bone joints and this can cause pain in the back.
Ankylosing spondylitis is another condition where the spine is affected leading to stiffness and the inflammation leads to back pain.
Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become very brittle and this could lead to compression fractures in the vertebrae, which could cause severe pain in the back. The vertebrae become so weak that it cannot withstand even minor stress or strain.
Bad posture while sleeping - Bad sleeping postures can cause severe back pain due to the strain on the spine.
Obesity - Obesity causes an excessive strain on the vertebral column. Weight loss will help in pain reduction.
Improper seating position - Ergonomics is very important when it comes to seating positions. Improper seating can cause back pain.
Disc damage - When the fluid in the disc spaces decrease, the vertebrae does not have a cushion to act as a shock absorber and this could lead to severe back pain.
Menstrual cycle or during pregnancy - Back pain during the menstrual cycles and during pregnancy is very common. The enlarged abdomen puts a strain on the spine during pregnancy, thereby causing backpain.
Trauma or injury to the back - If your back has suffered any injury in the past, it leads to the formation of scar tissue. When there is a large buildup of scar tissue due to repeated injuries, it weakens the back muscles and can lead to further aggravation of symptoms.
Proper diagnosis is necessary to find out the actual back pain causes and only then the appropriate treatment can be suggested.
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