Sunday, September 29, 2013

Causes of Lower Back Pain and 7 Ways to Prevent It

Although the causes of pain you might feel at the bottom of your back are varied, they can be categorized one of three ways and to "triage" the pain into one of these categories is the first step taken by a chiropractor.

  1. Non-musculoskeletal. This accounts for <1% of all patients but has the most serious potential health risks. Viscera (or simply the organs in our body) can produce pain that we feel in our back. For example, the aorta (the largest vessel that comes from the heart) can dilate (or expand abnormally) and put pressure on the spine causing pain. This is also called an aneurysm and can be potentially life threatening. Other examples of non-musculoskeletal pain may include infection, tumor, cancer, and visceral referred pain.

  2. Neurogenic. This type of pain is experienced by about 10% of patients and is caused from irritation of nerves that supply the low back and lower extremities (legs).

  3. Musculoskeletal. About 90% of all cases are considered to be musculoskeletal (pain that comes from irritated joints, muscles, ligaments, discs, tendons, and bone). This type of pain maybe felt just in the lower third area of the back or it has also been known to radiate into the buttocks, legs and/or feet.

Just as any other physician, a chiropractor is trained to diagnose pain in the lower part of your back. In addition to taking a detailed history, chiropractors may use various orthopedic tests, neurologic tests, imaging (x-ray, MRI, etc.), blood work, etc. to diagnose a patient's condition into one of the above categories.

Musculoskeletal low and chronic back ache (90% of patients) is the primary area in which chiropractors specialize. Research shows that chiropractic care is the most effective treatment when treating musculoskeletal low back pain.

Neurogenic lower back pain (~10% of patients) is also commonly managed by chiropractors and oftentimes includes co-management with other specialists (ie. neurologists, physiatrists, orthopedic surgeons, primary care, etc.).

With non-musculoskeletal type of pain in the low area of your back (<1% of patients), a referral to the appropriate specialist or primary care physician is made.

Chiropractors commonly work together with other medical specialists to help treat painful conditions. It is a misconception that you have to choose either a chiropractor or a medical specialist to help with your condition. Rather, by working together and maintaining open communication between the chiropractor, the specialist and the patient make for the best results.

Given the range of conditions outlined above, it is easy to see why pain you might be feeling in the low area of your back that lasts for more than a few days should be evaluated by a qualified health care professional. Remember, only a qualified health care professional can diagnose your condition.

7 Steps of Preventing Pain in Your Lower Area of Your Back

  1. Avoid prolonged sitting

  2. Get regular sleep

  3. Participate in regular aerobic exercise

  4. Maintain a healthy weight with a balanced diet

  5. When lifting, keep loads close to your torso

  6. Don't smoke

  7. See your chiropractor to identify risks that may be unique to you

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