Friday, September 20, 2013

Causes of Pregnancy Back Pain

Generally speaking, lower back pain during pregnancy isn't a cause for concern, but it's still something that should be checked into, as in some cases it might be a warning sign of a serious abdominal problem, including miscarriage. So, before you panic, read through this information. It should help you determine whether or not your condition is normal.

As mentioned, many expectant mothers experience lower back pain to some degree since your body is adapting to a variety changes. However, if you feel that your symptoms have nothing to do with any of the following causes, please see your doctor. In fact, even if you think the cause is something harmless, you still may want to ease your mind with a visit to your obstetrician.

The following are just a few things that can cause lower back pain during pregnancy. None of these are cause for undo alarm. And remember, even when you aren't pregnant, any type of pain in the back is generally benign in nature.

If your pregnancy back pain is associated with constipation, flatulence or bloating, then your condition is quite normal, however unpleasant. Your uterus is growing, creating pressure on adjacent organs as it pushes them aside, and in the process, slowing down your digestion. Further, constipation itself causes the stool to build up in the colon, and the corresponding increase in the volume of the colon will exert pressure on the lumbar spine and the muscles attached to it.

Pregnancy back pain can also be due to the fluctuations of your hormones, as increased levels can lead to inflamed and sensitive joints. Also, even during your fist trimester, you posture can begin to change, impacting how your joints and muscles move and contract, perhaps even stretching the nerves. This can lead to significant pain.

As mentioned before, your uterus in growing, and so is the baby you are carrying. This added burden will add strain to the lower back and pelvic region. The normal curvature of your lower back changes, and this can aggravate the nerves of the lumbar spine and tail bone.

These are just a few of the reasons why you can suffer from lower back pain during pregnancy, and they are all quite normal. However, as stated at the outset, if you feel concerned, or think that your pregnancy back pain may not be the result of normal changes in your body, see your doctor as soon as possible.

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