One of the most complex areas of the human body is the upper back and neck region, where we can find the vital mechanism of joints. In many cases, the neck along with the shoulders can manifest much the same medical difficulties as the lower part. Neck pain becomes a discomfort in any type of neck structure, such as: pulled muscles, disc problems, muscle and nerves issues, arthritis and many others. In the case of the lower back pain, the ability to ambulate is affected, while the upper back pain affects the daily activity performance, for example the simple brushing teeth activity can become an uncomfortable aspect of the usual lifestyle. In general, the neck pain may also come from areas around the neck, like the jaw, shoulders, upper arm and head.
Many individuals are describing the neck pain as having a stiff neck, with a high level of difficulty of moving it, especially to one side. Sometimes, the pain neck involves nerves, mostly in the case a certain muscles spasms pinching on a nerve, the individual may notice and feel tingling, numbness or weakness in the arm or hand. The large majority of back pain episodes are healing in time, more than half percent of the individuals will feel relief from the annoying low back pain within two weeks and almost 90% of individuals in approximately three months.
The most common cause of neck pain is an injury to the soft tissue, which includes muscles, ligaments and tendons. The traumas along with the muscle imbalances are being responsible for the postural dysfunctions, which are representing abnormal alignment between the head and shoulders and abnormal dispose of the joints that are leading the increase of the wear and tear on joints, muscles and ligaments.
Another common cause of neck pain is the tension or the muscle strain, being a strong consequence of the daily activities, such as: having a poor posture at the computer, bending over the table, placing the computer monitor too high or too low, twisting the neck too hard while exercising and sleeping in an uncomfortable position.
The cervical spine can be an influential factor for neck and shoulders pain, mostly in the case of degenerative arthritis, when the spine in the neck can pinch the nerves. The medical syndrome of cervical spondylisis can cause local neck pain, being degenerative disc decease. In essence, many abnormal conditions, which are involving the heart, lungs, spinal cords and other abnormal organs, are the number one enemies and responsible for the neck and shoulders pain. Traumatic and dramatic accidents or falls can cause dangerous neck injuries, such as: fractures, blood vessel injury and even paralysis.
The best and the most efficient neck and back pain treatments are prescriptions for muscle non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cortisone injections. There are also a wide variety of treatments based on chiropractic care and physical therapy, which are providing a large range of services, such as: ultrasounds, hot packs, electric stimulation, cervical traction and therapeutic treatment.
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