Friday, June 28, 2013

Get A Perfect Office Chair To Avoid Lower Back Pain!

Of the many reasons which are held accountable for lower back pain office chair that you use is one. The majority of us spend the larger part of our day on these office chairs. So, an incorrect office chair may put you in trouble like muscle tension and sprain of the lower back region whereas a good one can provide the perfect support to the spine. So, getting the right chair for yourself in the office becomes significant.

While you go on to acquire the perfect chair for your self there are some things that you must give a thought about. The 1st thing is usually to make sure that your chair is not too hard to sit on. Hard surfaces could cause muscle strain leading to severe pain in the back. So opt for a chair with a soft seat.

Soft does not suggest too soft. You must know that an extremely soft chair is not good either. It is too comfortable to sit on these chairs which might coerce you to sit in other comfortable postures. Sitting in a bending or a drooping posture is also not good for you. It also causes strains in the lower back muscles leading to pain.

Along with the sitting base of the chair, the back support of the chair ought to be moderately soft too. A hard back support can cause sciatica. It should offer your back enough support. Ensure that the back of the chair is flexible so that you can recline whenever you want to.

The height of the chair ought to be taken into consideration too. If your chair is stationed extremely low, then you'd have to stretch your back to reach the table. On the contrary, if your chair has a height higher than the table, then you are certain to slump. Either way, you are going to irritate the muscles and nerves around the spine including the sciatic nerve. So, it is suggested that you decide on a chair which has a height slightly lesser than that of your table. Go for an adjustable chair so that you can adjust its height as per your personal requirements.

It is suggested that you look for ergonomic chairs to keep back pain at bay. These chairs provide lumbar support and also ensure better pose while you're sitting. These chairs also offer scope for proper elbow and calf placement, which again reduces the chances of lower back pain.

Office chair as stated before has the potential to give you immense back pains in case you have a wrong one. So, in case you want to prevent sciatica, opt for the perfect chair because the chair rules!

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